Papers mentioned during class

Monday, January 11

John Measey et al., (2006). Freshwater paths across the ocean: molecular phylogeny of the frog Ptychadena newtoni gives insights into amphibian colonization of oceanic islands. Journal of Biogeography, 34(1), 7–20.
This paper explains the work on amphibians on the islands of the Gulf of Guinea.

Wallis, G. P., & Trewick, S. A. (2009). New Zealand phylogeography: evolution on a small continent. Molecular Ecology, 18(17), 3548–80.
This paper describes the biogeographical significance of New Zealand.

Dobzhansky, T. (1973). Nothing in Biology Makes Sense except in the Light of Evolution. In Source: The American Biology Teacher (Vol. 35, pp. 125–129).
This is a classic article that argues for the role of evolution in biology.

Nurse, P. (2006). The Great Ideas of Biology. Clinical Medicine, 3(6), 1–165.
This paper gives Nurse’s view of the five most important overarching ideas of biology.

Whitman, W. B., Coleman, D. C., & Wiebe, W. J. (1998). Prokaryotes : The unseen majority. PNAS, 95(06), 6578–6583.
A classic study of microbial diversity on earth.

Tuesday, January 12

Sleep et al. (2002). Annihilation of ecosystems by large asteroid impacts on the early Earth. Nature, 342(11), 1–4.
This interesting paper characterizes the huge energies of asteroid collisions.

Useful links

[ Pale Blue Dot ] Carl Sagan video.

[ GPS Time Series ] NASA's GPS time series that track the movement of tectonic plates.

Further reading

The papers provided here are meant to provide an entry point into the literature for going more deeply into various topics covered in class. These papers have been picked either because they are particularly beautiful insights into evolution or because they showcase some topic that will be central to the course.

The Great Naturalists and Deep Time

From Mendel to Genome

The Forces of Evolution

Evolution in Action

Naturalists with Genomes - Island Biogeography - Wallace and Island Biogeography