Code and Data

Code and Data


  • | Iterates through all preprocessed image data, parses clist.mat data, reconstructs linages from growth series, and computes the fold-change in gene expression. This script is designed to be run from the “processing” root folder directory.

  • | Given compiled data mapping lineages and fold-change measurements, this script performs statistical inference on the fluctuations to infer the calibration, coupled with calculation of the repressor copy number.

  • | Given measurements of the fold-change in gene expression, this script infers the posterior distribution of the observed free energy.

  • | Infers the entropic parameters and from a collection of fold-change measurements at different temperatures. This can be run on all data simultaneously or on individual temperatures by toggling the “pooled” variable at the top of the script.

  • | Infers an effective DNA binding energy from a collection of fold-change measurements.

  • | Infers an effective DNA binding energy under a variety of scenarios where cell size is considered.

  • calibration_factor.stan | Inferrential model for estimation of the calibration factor given sibling cell intensities

  • DNA_binding_energy.stan | Inferrential model for the estimation of the DNA binding energy given fold-change measurements

  • empirical_F_inference.stan | Inferrential model for the estimation of the free energy from fold-change measurements.

  • entropy_estimation.stan | Inferrenetial model for inferring the entropic parameters and for a single temperature.

  • pooled_entropy_estimation.stan | Inferrential model for the estimation of the entropic parameters and for multiple temperatures together.

Data Sets

Main Text Figure Generation

Fig. 6: Data Collapse

Plots the data collapse of various data sets onto the single master curve.

Necessary Data Sets
Compiled fold-change measurements with repressor counts
Inferred free energies from fold-change data
MCMC samples from entropic parameter estimation
Fold-change measurements from Garcia and Phillips 2011 and Brewster et al. 2014
Fold-change measuremetns from Razo-Mejia et al. 2018
Fold-change measurements of repressor mutants from Chure et al. 2019
DNA binding energy estimates for repressor mutants in Chure et al. 2019
Dissociation constant and allosteric energy estimates for mutants in Chure et al. 2019

SI Text Figure Generation