

Date Week Topic Due Slides Reading
1/3/2024 1 Student lightning talks, quiz, VO and RP ‘hurricane’ talks - our thoughts on the subject of evolution -- -- See Canvas assignment
1/8/2024 2 (RP) What is evolution? The facts. The theory. Past, present, future, human impacts -- --
1/9/2024 2 Lab: History of life on Earth (Arms 100) -- --
1/10/2024 2 (VO) History of life on Earth: Darwin the geobiologist, reading the rock record. Student reenactments - major events in Earth history HW 1 --
1/15/2024 3 ---------- no lecture holiday---------- -- --
1/16/2024 3 Lab: DNA extraction and Sequencing - I. gDNA extraction -- --
1/17/2024 3 (RP) The theoretical framework for thinking about evolution - variation, heritability, the forces of evolution. Mutation selection, drift, and migration. In class simulation of drift HW 2 --
1/22/2024 4 (RP) Molecules as documents of evolutionary history: concepts -- --
1/23/2024 4 Lab: DNA extraction and Sequencing - II. PCR and electrophoresis -- --
1/24/2024 4 (RP) Molecules as documents of evolutionary history: case studies -- --
1/29/2024 5 (VO) Introduction to phylogenetic systematics: primary focus on fossil record/morphological traits. In-class activity with Caminalcules. -- --
1/30/2024 5 Lab: DNA extraction and Sequencing - III. Sequencing and phylogenetics -- --
1/31/2024 5 (VO) Natural selection and ecological connections HW 3 --
2/5/2024 6 (RP) Mechanisms of speciation: eukaryotes -- --
2/6/2024 6 Lab: Visit to the Occidental College bird lab -- --
2/7/2024 6 (VO) Speciation in the microbial world HW 4 --
2/12/2024 7 (VO) Evolutionary innovation through microbial symbiosis - I -- --
2/13/2024 7 Lab: Symbiosis -- --
2/14/2024 7 (VO) Evolutionary innovation through microbial symbiosis - II -- --
2/19/2024 8 ---------- no lecture holiday---------- -- --
2/20/2024 8 Lab: Luria-Delbrück - I -- --
2/21/2024 8 (VO) Role of viruses and phages in evolution of eukaryotes, bacteria, and archaea -- --
2/26/2024 9 (RP) From land to sea and back again - whales -- --
2/27/2024 9 Lab: Luria-Delbrück - II -- --
2/28/2024 9 (VO) A plant’s journey from land to sea - seagrass -- --
3/4/2024 10 (RP) Human evolution - I -- --
3/5/2024 10 Lab: -- --
3/6/2024 10 (RP) Human evolution - II -- --