Supplemental Information E - Non-linear Regression

(c) 2017 the authors. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License CC-BY 4.0. All code contained herein is licensed under an MIT license.

In [1]:
# For operating system interaction
import os
import glob
import datetime
import sys

# For loading .pkl files.
import pickle

# For scientific computing
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scipy.special
import as smnd # to compute the Hessian matrix

# Import custom utilities
import mwc_induction_utils as mwc

# Useful plotting libraries
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import as cm
import seaborn as sns

# Magic function to make matplotlib inline; other style specs must come AFTER
%matplotlib inline

# This enables SVG graphics inline
%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'svg'
/Users/gchure/anaconda/lib/python3.4/site-packages/matplotlib/ UserWarning: axes.color_cycle is deprecated and replaced with axes.prop_cycle; please use the latter.
  warnings.warn(self.msg_depr % (key, alt_key))

Non-linear regression.

In order to obtain the MWc parameters given the fold-change measurements and a credible region on such parameters we will use a Bayesian approach to perform a non-linear regression. Our theoretical model dictates that the fold change in gene expression is given by

\begin{equation} \text{fold-change} = \frac{1}{1 + \frac{R p_{act}(c)}{N_{NS}} e^{-\beta \Delta \varepsilon_{RA}}}, \end{equation}

where $p_{act}(c)$ is given by

\begin{equation} p_{act}(c) = \frac{\left( 1 + c e^{\tilde{k_A}}\right)^2}{\left( 1 + c e^{\tilde{k_A}}\right)^2 + e^{-\beta \Delta\varepsilon_{AI}} \left( 1 + c e^{\tilde{k_I}}\right)^2}. \end{equation}

We define $\tilde{k_A} = -\ln K_A$ and $\tilde{k_I} = -\ln K_I$ for convenience during the regression.

If we want to fit the parameters $\tilde{k_A}$ and $\tilde{k_I}$, by Bayes theorem we have that

\begin{equation} P(\tilde{k_A}, \tilde{k_I} \mid D, I) \propto P(D \mid \tilde{k_A}, \tilde{k_I}, I) \cdot P(\tilde{k_A}, \tilde{k_I} \mid I), \end{equation}

where $D$ is the experimental data and $I$ is all the previous information.

Gaussian likelihood and constant error

The simplest model to perform the regression is to assume the following:

  1. each measurement is independent
  2. the errors are Gaussian distributed
  3. this error is constant along the range of IPTG.

Now it is important to indicate that each element of $D$ is a "pair" of a dependent variable (the experimental fold change $fc_{exp}$) and the independent variables (the repressor copy number $R$, the binding energy $\Delta \varepsilon_{RA}$ and the IPTG concentration $C$). With this in hand we implement the first assumption as

\begin{equation} P(D \mid \tilde{k_A}, \tilde{k_I}, I) = \prod_{i = 1}^n P(fc_{exp}^{(i)} \mid \tilde{k_A}, \tilde{k_I}, R^{(i)}, \Delta\varepsilon_{RA}^{(i)}, C^{(i)}, I), \end{equation}

where $n$ is the number of data points and the superscript $(i)$ indicates the $i$th element of $D$.

Implementing the second and third assumption we obtain

\begin{equation} P(D \mid \tilde{k_A}, \tilde{k_I}, \sigma, I) = \left( 2\pi\sigma^2 \right)^{-\frac{n}{2}} \prod_{i = 1}^n \exp \left[ \frac{1}{2 \sigma^2} \left( fc_{exp}^{(i)} - fc\left(\tilde{k_A}, \tilde{k_I}, R^{(i)}, \Delta\varepsilon_{RA}^{(i)}, C^{(i)} \right) \right)^2 \right], \end{equation}

where we include the parameter $\sigma$ associated with the Gaussian distributed error.

For the priors we can assume that the 3 parameters $\tilde{k_A}, \tilde{k_I}$ and $\sigma$ are not only independent, but since they have a uniform prior in log scale they can have a Jeffres' prior, i.e.

\begin{equation} P(\tilde{k_A}, \tilde{k_I}, \sigma \mid I) \equiv \frac{1}{\tilde{k_A}}\cdot\frac{1}{\tilde{k_I}}\cdot\frac{1}{\sigma} \end{equation}

Putting all the pieces together we can compute the posterior distribution as

\begin{equation} P(\tilde{k_A}, \tilde{k_I}, \sigma \mid D, I) \propto \left( 2\pi\sigma^2 \right)^{-\frac{n}{2}} \prod_{i = 1}^n \exp \left[ \frac{1}{2 \sigma^2} \left( fc_{exp}^{(i)} - fc\left(\tilde{k_A}, \tilde{k_I}, R^{(i)}, \Delta\varepsilon_{RA}^{(i)}, C^{(i)} \right) \right)^2 \right] \frac{1}{\tilde{k_A}}\cdot\frac{1}{\tilde{k_I}}\cdot\frac{1}{\sigma} \end{equation}

But we are left with the nuance parameter $\sigma$ that we don't care about. To eliminate this parameter we need to marginalize over all values of $\sigma$ as

\begin{equation} P(\tilde{k_A}, \tilde{k_I} \mid D, I) = \int_{- \infty}^\infty d\sigma P(\tilde{k_A}, \tilde{k_I}, \sigma \mid D, I). \end{equation}

And when everything settles down, i.e. after some nasty integration, we find that the posterior is given by the student-t distribution

\begin{equation} P(\tilde{k_A}, \tilde{k_I} \mid D, I) \propto \left[ \sum_{i=1}^n \left( fc_{exp}^{(i)} - fc\left(\tilde{k_A}, \tilde{k_I}, R^{(i)}, \Delta\varepsilon_{RA}^{(i)}, C^{(i)} \right) \right)^2 \right]^{\frac{n}{2}}. \end{equation}

Numerically is always better to work with the log posterior probability, therefore for the student-t distribution we have that

\begin{equation} \ln P(\tilde{k_A}, \tilde{k_I} \mid D, I) \propto \frac{n}{2} \ln \left[ \sum_{i=1}^n \left( fc_{exp}^{(i)} - fc\left(\tilde{k_A}, \tilde{k_I}, R^{(i)}, \Delta\varepsilon_{RA}^{(i)}, C^{(i)} \right) \right)^2 \right] \end{equation}

Let's code up the functions to compute the theoretical fold-change

In [2]:
# define a funciton to compute the fold change as a funciton of IPTG
def pact(IPTG, ea, ei, epsilon=4.5):
    Returns the probability of a repressor being active as described by the MWC
    IPTG : array-like.
        concentrations of inducer on which to evaluate the function
    ea, ei : float.
        minus log of the dissociation constants of the active and the inactive 
        states respectively
    epsilon : float.
        energy difference between the active and the inactive state
    pact : float.
        probability of a repressor of being in the active state. Active state is
        defined as the state that can bind to the DNA.
    pact = (1 + IPTG * np.exp(ea))**2 / \
    ((1 + IPTG * np.exp(ea))**2 + np.exp(-epsilon) * (1 + IPTG * np.exp(ei))**2)
    return pact

def fold_change(IPTG, ea, ei, epsilon, R, epsilon_r):
    Returns the gene expression fold change according to the thermodynamic model
    with the extension that takes into account the effect of the inducer.
    IPTG : array-like.
        concentrations of inducer on which to evaluate the function
    ea, ei : float.
        minus log of the dissociation constants of the active and the inactive 
        states respectively
    epsilon : float.
        energy difference between the active and the inactive state
    R : array-like.
        repressor copy number for each of the strains. The length of this array
        should be equal to the IPTG array. If only one value of the repressor is
        given it is asssume that all the data points should be evaluated with
        the same repressor copy number
    epsilon_r : array-like
        repressor binding energy. The length of this array
        should be equal to the IPTG array. If only one value of the binding
        energy is given it is asssume that all the data points 
        should be evaluated with the same repressor copy number
    fold-change : float.
        gene expression fold change as dictated by the thermodynamic model.
    return 1 / (1 + 2 * R / 5E6 * pact(IPTG, ea, ei, epsilon) * \
            (1 + np.exp(-epsilon)) * np.exp(-epsilon_r))

Now let's code up the log posterior

In [3]:
def log_post(param, indep_var, dep_var):
    Computes the log posterior for a single set of parameters.
    param : array-like.
        param[0] = epsilon_a
        param[1] = epsilon_i
    indep_var : n x 3 array.
        series of independent variables to compute the theoretical fold-change.
        1st column : IPTG concentration
        2nd column : repressor copy number
        3rd column : repressor binding energy
    dep_var : array-like
        dependent variable, i.e. experimental fold-change. Then length of this
        array should be the same as the number of rows in indep_var.
    log_post : float.
        the log posterior probability
    # unpack parameters
    ea, ei = param
    # unpack independent variables
    IPTG, R, epsilon_r = indep_var[:, 0], indep_var[:, 1], indep_var[:, 2]
    # compute the theoretical fold-change
    fc_theory = fold_change(IPTG, ea, ei, 4.5, R, epsilon_r)
    # return the log posterior
    return -len(dep_var) / 2 * np.log(np.sum((dep_var - fc_theory)**2))

Testing the functions with only 1 strain and one operator

Now it is time to test this! But first let's read the data

In [4]:
datadir = '../../data/'
# read the list of data-sets to ignore
df = pd.read_csv(datadir + 'flow_master.csv', comment='#')

# Now we remove the autofluorescence and delta values
df = df[(df.rbs != 'auto') & (df.rbs != 'delta')]

date username operator binding_energy rbs repressors IPTG_uM mean_YFP_A mean_YFP_bgcorr_A fold_change_A
2 20160804 mrazomej O2 -13.9 RBS1L 870 0.0 3624.474605 111.851286 0.007146
3 20160804 mrazomej O2 -13.9 RBS1 610 0.0 3619.786265 107.162946 0.006847
4 20160804 mrazomej O2 -13.9 RBS1027 130 0.0 3717.019527 204.396208 0.013059
5 20160804 mrazomej O2 -13.9 RBS446 62 0.0 3854.650585 342.027265 0.021853
6 20160804 mrazomej O2 -13.9 RBS1147 30 0.0 4169.802851 657.179531 0.041988

Let's focus first on a single strain: O2 - RBS1027

In [5]:
rbs = df[(df.rbs=='RBS1027') & (df.binding_energy==-13.9)]

for date in
    plt.plot(rbs[].IPTG_uM / 1E6,
             rbs[].fold_change_A, 'o',
            label=str(date), alpha=0.7)
plt.xscale('symlog', linthreshx=1E-7)
plt.xlabel('[IPTG] (M)')
plt.legend(loc='upper left', fontsize=11)
plt.title('RBS1027 lacI/cell = 130')

Plotting the posterior distribution

Before computing the MAP and doing the proper regression, let's look at the posterior itself

In [7]:
# Parameter values to plot
ea = np.linspace(-5.2, -4.7, 100)
ei = np.linspace(0.45, 0.7, 100)

# make a grid to plot
ea_grid, ei_grid = np.meshgrid(ea, ei)

# compute the log posterior
indep_var = rbs[['IPTG_uM', 'repressors', 'binding_energy']]
dep_var = rbs.fold_change_A

log_posterior = np.empty_like(ea_grid)
for i in range(len(ea)):
    for j in range(len(ei)):
        log_posterior[i, j] = log_post([ea_grid[i, j], ei_grid[i, j]],
                                       indep_var.values, dep_var.values)

# Get things to scale better
log_posterior -= log_posterior.max()

# plot the results
plt.contourf(ea_grid, ei_grid, np.exp(log_posterior), alpha=0.7,
plt.title('Posterior probability, O2 - RBS1027')
<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x11b31a518>

Computing the MAP

In order to compute the Maximum a posteriori parameters or MAP for short we will use the scipy.optimize.leastsq() function. For this we need to define a function that computes the residuals.

In [8]:
def resid(param, indep_var, dep_var, epsilon=4.5):
    Residuals for the theoretical fold change.
    param : array-like.
        param[0] = epsilon_a
        param[1] = epsilon_i
    indep_var : n x 3 array.
        series of independent variables to compute the theoretical fold-change.
        1st column : IPTG concentration
        2nd column : repressor copy number
        3rd column : repressor binding energy
    dep_var : array-like
        dependent variable, i.e. experimental fold-change. Then length of this
        array should be the same as the number of rows in indep_var.
    fold-change_exp - fold-change_theory
    # unpack parameters
    ea, ei = param
    # unpack independent variables
    IPTG, R, epsilon_r = indep_var[:, 0], indep_var[:, 1], indep_var[:, 2]
    # compute the theoretical fold-change
    fc_theory = fold_change(IPTG, ea, ei, epsilon, R, epsilon_r)
    # return the log posterior
    return dep_var - fc_theory

To find the most likely parameters we need to provide an initial guess. The optimization routine only finds a local maximum and is not in general guaranteed to converge. Therefore, the initial guess can be very important.

After that we will be ready to use scipy.optimize.leastsq() to compute the MAP. We uses the args kwarg to pass in the other arguments to the resid() function. In our case, these arguments are the data points. The leastsq() function returns multiple values, but the first, the optimal parameter values (the MAP), is all we are interested in.

In [9]:
# Initial guess
p0 = np.array([1, 7]) # From plotting the posterior

# Extra arguments given as tuple 
args = (indep_var.values, dep_var.values)

# Compute the MAP 
popt, _ = scipy.optimize.leastsq(resid, p0, args=args)

# Extract the values
ea, ei = popt

# Print results
The most probable parameters for the MWC model
Ka = {0:.2f} uM
Ki = {1:.3f} uM
""".format(np.exp(-ea), np.exp(-ei)))
The most probable parameters for the MWC model
Ka = 140.38 uM
Ki = 0.560 uM

Just to show that these parameters indeed give a good fit let's plot the theory and the data

In [10]:
IPTG = np.logspace(-8, -2, 200)
fc_theory = fold_change(IPTG * 1E6, ea, ei, 4.5, R=130, epsilon_r=-13.9)

plt.plot(IPTG, fc_theory, '--', label='best parameter fit', color='darkblue')
for date in
    plt.plot(rbs[].IPTG_uM / 1E6,
             rbs[].fold_change_A, 'o',
             label=str(date), alpha=0.7)
plt.xscale('symlog', linthreshx=1E-7)
plt.xlabel('IPTG (M)')
plt.legend(loc='upper left', fontsize=11)

Computing error bars on the parameters.

In order to get a credible region on our parameter estimate we will use an aproximation in which the posterior probability can be represented as a Gaussian distribution. This approximation can be justified as a truncated Taylor expansion as follows: Given our log posterior distribution with parameters $\mathbf{\tilde{k}} = (\tilde{k_A}, \tilde{k_I})$ we can perform a Taylor expansion around our MAP $\mathbf{\tilde{k}}^*$ \begin{equation} \ln P(\mathbf{\tilde{k}} \mid D, I) \approx \text{constant} + \frac{1}{2} \left( \mathbf{\tilde{k} - \tilde{k}^}\right)^T \cdot H \cdot \left(\mathbf{\tilde{k} - \tilde{k}^}\right), \end{equation} where $H$ is the symmetric Hessian matrix whose entries are given by the second derivatives, i.e. \begin{equation} H_{ij} = \frac{\partial ^2 \ln P(\mathbf{\tilde{k}} \mid D, I)}{\partial \tilde{k}_i \partial \tilde{k}j} \biggr\rvert{\mathbf{\tilde{k}} = \mathbf{\tilde{k}^*}}. \end{equation}

If we exponentiate this truncated expansion to remove the log we find something that remarkably resembles a multivariate Gaussian distribution \begin{equation} P(\mathbf{\tilde{k}} \mid D, I) \approx \text{constant} \cdot \exp \left[ \frac{1}{2} \left( \mathbf{\tilde{k}} - \mathbf{\tilde{k}^} \right)^T \cdot H \cdot \left( \mathbf{\tilde{k}} - \mathbf{\tilde{k}^} \right) \right]. \end{equation}

From this we can see that the Hessian matrix plays the role of the negative inverse covariance matrix. As a matter of fact since the second derivatives are evaluated at the MAP the Hessian is positive definite and therefore this matrix can be inverted, obtaining our desired covariance matrix. So if we compute the Hessian at the MAP, and then invert this matrix, the diagonal terms of this inverted matrix will be the error bars for our parameters under this Gaussian approximation of the posterior!

Let's now compute the covariance matrix. For this we will numerically compute the Hessian using the package.

In [11]:
# list the arguments to be fed to the log_post function
args = (indep_var.values, dep_var.values)

# Compute the Hessian at the map
hes = smnd.approx_hess(popt, log_post, args=args)
array([[ -623.2526089 ,  1291.19249453],
       [ 1291.19249453, -3351.4824521 ]])

Now that we computed the Hessian let's compute the negative inverse to get our precious covariance matrix!

In [12]:
# Compute the covariance matrix
cov = -np.linalg.inv(hes) 

array([[ 0.00794864,  0.00306229],
       [ 0.00306229,  0.00147816]])

Again, the diagonal terms of this matrix give the approximate variance in the regression parameters. The offdiagonal terms give the covariance, which describe how parameters relate to each other. From the plot of the posterior previously we saw that there is definitely a positive correlation between the parameters, and that is reflected by non-zero entries in these offdiagonal terms.

But recall that this is giving the error bar on $\tilde{k_A}$ and $\tilde{k_I}$, not the dissociation constants themselves. Therefore we must "propagate the error" properly by doing the proper change of variables. For this we use the approximation that if the error on $\tilde{k_A}$ is given by $\delta \tilde{k_A}$, we can use this relationship to compute $\delta K_A$, the error on the dissociation constant.

First we know the relationshipt between $\tilde{k_A}$ and $K_A$ is \begin{equation} \tilde{k_A} = - \ln K_A. \end{equation} Differenciating both sides we obtain \begin{equation} \delta \tilde{k_A} = - \frac{1}{K_A} \delta K_A. \end{equation} We now squre both sides and take the expected value \begin{equation} \langle \delta \tilde{k_A} \rangle^2 = \frac{\langle \delta K_A\rangle^2}{K_A^2}. \end{equation} Finally we re-arrange terms to find that the error bar on the dissociation constant is given by \begin{equation} \delta K_A = \sqrt{\langle \delta K_A \rangle^2} = \sqrt{\langle \delta \tilde{k_A} \rangle^2 \cdot K_A^2} = \delta \tilde{k_A} \cdot K_A \end{equation}

Now let's report the parameter values with the proper error bars!

In [13]:
# Get the values for the dissociation constants and their respective error bars
Ka = np.exp(-ea)
Ki = np.exp(-ei)
deltaKa = np.sqrt(cov[0,0]) * Ka
deltaKi = np.sqrt(cov[1,1]) * Ki

# Print results
The most probable parameters for the MWC model
Ka = {0:.2f} +- {1:0.3f} uM
Ki = {2:.5f} +- {3:0.6f} uM
""".format(Ka, deltaKa, Ki, deltaKi))
The most probable parameters for the MWC model
Ka = 140.38 +- 12.516 uM
Ki = 0.55964 +- 0.021516 uM

Using these parameters to predict other strains.

Let's use these parameters to see how well we can predict the other strains.

In [14]:
# Given this result let's plot all the curves using this parameters.
# Set the colors for the strains
colors = sns.color_palette('colorblind', n_colors=7)
colors[4] = sns.xkcd_palette(['dusty purple'])[0]

df_O2 = df[df.operator=='O2']
for i, rbs in enumerate(df_O2.rbs.unique()):
    # plot the theory using the parameters from the fit.
    plt.plot(IPTG, fold_change(IPTG * 1E6, 
        ea=ea, ei=ei, epsilon=4.5,
        R=df_O2[(df_O2.rbs == rbs)].repressors.unique(),
    # compute the mean value for each concentration
    fc_mean = df_O2[(df_O2.rbs==rbs)].groupby('IPTG_uM').fold_change_A.mean()
    # compute the standard error of the mean
    fc_err = df_O2[df_O2.rbs==rbs].groupby('IPTG_uM').fold_change_A.std() / \
    # plot the experimental data
    plt.errorbar(df_O2[df_O2.rbs==rbs].IPTG_uM.unique() / 1E6, fc_mean,
        fmt='o', label=df_O2[df_O2.rbs==rbs].repressors.unique()[0] * 2, 
plt.xscale('symlog', linthreshx=1E-7)
plt.xlabel('IPTG (M)')
plt.ylim([-0.01, 1.2])
plt.legend(loc='upper left', title='repressors / cell')

Cross checking the fit with other strains.

An interesting exercise is to perform the fit using the other strains, or pooling all the data together.

To make this in a simple straight forward way let's define a function that takes a pandas DataFrame and extracts the independent and dependent variables, performs the regression and returns the MAP and error bar on the parameters $\tilde{k_A}$ and $\tilde{k_I}$.

In [15]:
def non_lin_reg_mwc(df, p0,
                    indep_var=['IPTG_uM', 'repressors', 'binding_energy'],
                    dep_var='fold_change_A', epsilon=4.5, diss_const=False):
    Performs a non-linear regression on the lacI IPTG titration data assuming
    Gaussian errors with constant variance. Returns the parameters 
    e_A == -ln(K_A)
    e_I == -ln(K_I)
    and it's corresponding error bars by approximating the posterior distribution
    as Gaussian.
    df : DataFrame.
        DataFrame containing all the titration information. It should at minimum
        contain the IPTG concentration used, the repressor copy number for each
        strain and the binding energy of such strain as the independent variables
        and obviously the gene expression fold-change as the dependent variable.
    p0 : array-like (length = 2).
        Initial guess for the parameter values. The first entry is the guess for
        e_A == -ln(K_A) and the second is the initial guess for e_I == -ln(K_I).
    indep_var : array-like (length = 3).
        Array of length 3 with the name of the DataFrame columns that contain
        the following parameters:
        1) IPTG concentration
        2) repressor copy number
        3) repressor binding energy to the operator
    dep_var : str.
        Name of the DataFrame column containing the gene expression fold-change.
    epsilon : float.
        Value of the allosteric parameter, i.e. the energy difference between
        the active and the inactive state.
    diss_const : bool.
        Indicates if the dissociation constants should be returned instead of
        the e_A and e_I parameteres.
    if diss_const  == True:
        e_A : MAP for the e_A parameter.
        de_A : error bar on the e_A parameter
        e_I : MAP for the e_I parameter.
        de_I : error bar on the e_I parameter
        K_A : MAP for the K_A parameter.
        dK_A : error bar on the K_A parameter
        K_I : MAP for the K_I parameter.
        dK_I : error bar on the K_I parameter
    df_indep = df[indep_var]
    df_dep = df[dep_var]
    # Extra arguments given as tuple 
    args = (df_indep.values, df_dep.values, epsilon)

    # Compute the MAP 
    popt, _ = scipy.optimize.leastsq(resid, p0, args=args)

    # Extract the values
    ea, ei = popt
    # Compute the Hessian at the map
    hes = smnd.approx_hess(popt, log_post, 
                           args=(df_indep.values, df_dep.values))
    # Compute the covariance matrix
    cov = -np.linalg.inv(hes) 
    if diss_const:
        # Get the values for the dissociation constants and their 
        # respective error bars
        Ka = np.exp(-ea)
        Ki = np.exp(-ei)
        deltaKa = np.sqrt(cov[0,0]) * Ka
        deltaKi = np.sqrt(cov[1,1]) * Ki 
        return Ka, deltaKa, Ki, deltaKi
        return ea, cov[0,0], ei, cov[1,1]

Now that we have the function, let's systematically perform the regression on each of the strains to check how different the parameter values are.

In [16]:
# initialize a data frame to save the regression parameters
param_df = pd.DataFrame()
# loop through the RBS performing the regression on each strain
for i, rbs in enumerate(df.rbs.unique()):
    param =  pd.Series(non_lin_reg_mwc(df[df.rbs==rbs], p0=[1, 7], 
                       index=['Ka', 'delta_Ka', 'Ki', 'delta_Ki'])
    param_df = pd.concat([param_df, param], axis=1)
# rename the columns by the rbs name
param_df.columns = df.rbs.unique()

# add the regression on all the pool data
param_df['pool_data'] = pd.Series(non_lin_reg_mwc(df, p0=[-5, 1], 
                       index=['Ka', 'delta_Ka', 'Ki', 'delta_Ki'])

RBS1L RBS1 RBS1027 RBS446 RBS1147 HG104 pool_data
Ka 240.402528 160.056120 134.562671 143.114327 175.695247 128.673829 199.482826
Ki 0.669918 0.546850 0.559323 0.631284 0.791484 0.537988 0.668853
delta_Ka 17.045449 8.112211 7.421712 8.400356 13.492545 21.273247 5.581350
delta_Ki 0.032676 0.019271 0.018149 0.018724 0.024183 0.026700 0.009919