Unsupervised gating of the data via the front and side scattering.

(c) 2017 the authors. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License CC-BY 4.0. All code contained herein is licensed under an MIT license.

In [1]:
import os
import glob
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scipy

import mwc_induction_utils as mwc

# Import matplotlib stuff for plotting
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.cm as cm

# Seaborn, useful for graphics
import seaborn as sns


# Import Bokeh modules for interactive plotting
import bokeh.io
import bokeh.mpl
import bokeh.plotting

# Magic function to make matplotlib inline; other style specs must come AFTER
%matplotlib inline

# This enables SVG graphics inline (only use with static plots (non-Bokeh))
%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'svg'

# Datashader to plot lots of datapoints
import datashader as ds
from datashader.bokeh_ext import InteractiveImage
from datashader.utils import export_image
from IPython.core.display import HTML, display

# Set up Bokeh for inline viewing
Loading BokehJS ...
Loading BokehJS ...

Plotting all of the data with datashader

In this notebook we will develop an automatic procedure to gate the flow cytometry data based on the front and side scattering lectures returned by the equipment. We will use the datashader library in combination with Bokeh to generate interactive plots with an arbitrary number of data points really easily

Let's first read an example data set. We will be working with the LacI titration data set generated on 20160804.

In [2]:
# define the date to find the experiment files
date = 20160804

# list the directory with the data
datadir = '../../data/flow/csv/'
files = np.array(os.listdir(datadir))

# select the files from the chosen date
csv_bool = np.array([str(date) in f and 'csv' in f for f in files])
files = files[np.array(csv_bool)]

# Read files into a pandas Data Frame
df_example = pd.read_csv(datadir + files[1])
0 0 5.234742 4931.073730 7329.625000 88179.914062 24927.375000 21066.142578 155096.312500 3863.893066 5620.254883 90111.250000 198.227966 303.540833 85596.835938
1 1 9.376796 6684.469727 7270.852539 120501.250000 29407.791016 22308.511719 172783.281250 1327.978760 6212.779785 28016.578125 56.292591 269.903198 27337.144531
2 2 11.028535 47620.460938 34441.476562 181226.515625 126428.734375 83701.867188 197979.656250 9810.027344 6209.653320 207067.906250 131.344498 370.191162 46504.585938
3 3 14.696243 6008.482422 6114.314453 128803.289062 7114.638672 5086.319336 183340.812500 -1113.539673 3575.527588 -40820.234375 52.552475 162.486893 42392.082031
4 4 17.847254 9215.087891 6789.694336 177893.140625 43032.671875 28439.339844 198330.140625 -1728.413940 2786.592529 -81298.812500 -0.379246 235.683441 -210.912140

Now in order to use datashader in an interactive Bokeh plot we need to define a base_plot function to initialize a Bokeh plot canvas.

In [3]:
def base_plot(df, x_col, y_col, log=False):
    Initialize canvas to plot the flow cytometry raw data with Bokeh.
    df : Pandas dataframe.
        Data frame containing the data to be plotted.
    x_col, y_col : str.
        Name of the dataframe columns containing the x and y data 
        respectively to be plotted.
    log : bool.
        Boolean indicating if the data should be plotted in log_10 scale.
        NOTE: Since Bokeh is known to have issues with plotting in log scale
        rather than changing the axis to log scale the function computes
        explicitly the log base 10 value of each datum.

    x_range = (df[x_col].min(), df[x_col].max())
    y_range = (df[y_col].min(), df[y_col].max())
    # Initialize the Bokeh plot
    p = bokeh.plotting.figure(
    # Add all the features to the plot
    p.xgrid.grid_line_color = '#a6a6a6'
    p.ygrid.grid_line_color = '#a6a6a6'
    p.ygrid.grid_line_dash = [6, 4]
    p.xgrid.grid_line_dash = [6, 4]
    if log:
        p.xaxis.axis_label = 'log ' + x_col
        p.yaxis.axis_label = 'log ' + y_col
        p.xaxis.axis_label = x_col
        p.yaxis.axis_label = y_col
    p.xaxis.axis_label_text_font_size = '15pt'
    p.yaxis.axis_label_text_font_size = '15pt'
    p.background_fill_color = '#E3DCD0'
    return p

With this in hand we define a simple function that takes one of our data frames and plot whichever columns we want on a 2-D scatter plot.

In [4]:
def ds_plot(df, x_col, y_col, log=False):
    if log:
        data = np.log10(df[[x_col, y_col]])
        data = df[[x_col, y_col]]
    p = base_plot(data, x_col, y_col, log=log)
    pipeline = ds.Pipeline(data, ds.Point(x_col, y_col))
    return p, pipeline

Now let's plot the front and side scattering channels we will use for the gating. The amaing features about datashader is that we can plot all of the data points (>100,000) basically instantly.

In [5]:
p, pipeline = ds_plot(df_example, 'FSC-A', 'SSC-A', log=True)
InteractiveImage(p, pipeline)
/Users/razo/anaconda/lib/python3.5/site-packages/ipykernel/__main__.py:3: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in log10

Applying the unsupervised gating procedure

To get some sense of potentials ways to automatically gate the data let's first plot a Kernel Density Estimation to get a sense of where does most of the data-points density is.

We will use the convenient jointplot from seaborn to make a KDE plot of these scattering.

First let's take a look at the linear scattering data...

In [11]:
sns.jointplot(x='FSC-A', y='SSC-A', data=df_example, kind="kde");
/Users/razo/anaconda/lib/python3.5/site-packages/statsmodels/nonparametric/kdetools.py:20: VisibleDeprecationWarning: using a non-integer number instead of an integer will result in an error in the future
  y = X[:m/2+1] + np.r_[0,X[m/2+1:],0]*1j

... and the log scattering values.

In [12]:
sns.jointplot(x='FSC-A', y='SSC-A', 
              data=np.log10(df_example[['FSC-A', 'SSC-A']]), kind="kde");
/Users/razo/anaconda/lib/python3.5/site-packages/ipykernel/__main__.py:2: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in log10
  from ipykernel import kernelapp as app
/Users/razo/anaconda/lib/python3.5/site-packages/statsmodels/nonparametric/kdetools.py:20: VisibleDeprecationWarning: using a non-integer number instead of an integer will result in an error in the future
  y = X[:m/2+1] + np.r_[0,X[m/2+1:],0]*1j

From this last plot, we can see that the marginal distributions look relatively unimodal. The slight bi-modality shown on the side scattering is not a common feature on all data sets and both peaks are relatively close to each other such that the proposed automatic gating procedure will be relatively insensitive to them.

We propose setting an automatic gate by fitting a bivariate Gaussian distribution to the $\log$ front and $\log$ side scattering and then selecting an interval that contains a fraction $\alpha$ of the total data (for example, an $\alpha$ of $0.4$ yields 40% of the data).

For this we need a robut function to fit a 2D Gaussian matrix to the data. We will take advantage of the astroML fit_bivariate_normal function to estimate the mean $\mathbf{\mu}$ and covariance matrix $\mathbf{\Sigma}$.

In [6]:
def fit_2D_gaussian(df, x_val='FSC-A', y_val='SSC-A', log=False):
    This function hacks astroML fit_bivariate_normal to return the mean and
    covariance matrix when fitting a 2D gaussian fuction to the data contained
    in the x_vall and y_val columns of the DataFrame df.
    df : pandas DataFrame.
        dataframe containing the data from which to fit the distribution
    x_val, y_val : str.
        name of the dataframe columns to be used in the function
    log : bool.
        indicate if the log of the data should be use for the fit or not
    mu : tuple.
        (x, y) location of the best-fit bivariate normal
    cov : 2 x 2 array
        covariance matrix.
        cov[0, 0] = variance of the x_val column
        cov[1, 1] = variance of the y_val column
        cov[0, 1] = cov[1, 0] = covariance of the data
    if log:
        x = np.log10(df[x_val])
        y = np.log10(df[y_val])
        x = df[x_val]
        y = df[y_val]
    # Fit the 2D Gaussian distribution using atroML function
    mu, sigma_1, sigma_2, alpha = mwc.fit_bivariate_normal(x, y, robust=True)

    # compute covariance matrix from the standar deviations and the angle
    # that the fit_bivariate_normal function returns
    sigma_xx = ((sigma_1 * np.cos(alpha)) ** 2
                + (sigma_2 * np.sin(alpha)) ** 2)
    sigma_yy = ((sigma_1 * np.sin(alpha)) ** 2
                + (sigma_2 * np.cos(alpha)) ** 2)
    sigma_xy = (sigma_1 ** 2 - sigma_2 ** 2) * np.sin(alpha) * np.cos(alpha)
    # put elements of the covariance matrix into an actual matrix
    cov = np.array([[sigma_xx, sigma_xy], [sigma_xy, sigma_yy]])
    return mu, cov

Then to compute the interval that contains a fraction $\alpha$ of the data we follow this procedure in which for a 2D Gaussian distributiuon an elliptic region defined by \begin{equation} \left(\mathbf{x} - \mathbf{\mu} \right)^T \mathbf{\Sigma}^{-1} \left(\mathbf{x} - \mathbf{\mu} \right) \leq \chi^2{2, \alpha}(p) \end{equation} contains $\alpha\ \times 100$ % of the data. $\chi^2{2, \alpha}(p)$ is the quantile function for probability $p$ of the chi-squared distribution with $2$ degrees of freedom.

Let's define a function to compute the left hand side of the inequality for our data.

In [7]:
def gauss_interval(df, mu, cov, x_val='FSC-A', y_val='SSC-A', log=False):
    Computes the of the statistic
    (x - µx)'∑(x - µx) 
    for each of the elements in df columns x_val and y_val.
    df : DataFrame.
        dataframe containing the data from which to fit the distribution
    mu : array-like.
        (x, y) location of bivariate normal
    cov : 2 x 2 array
        covariance matrix
    x_val, y_val : str.
        name of the dataframe columns to be used in the function
    log : bool.
        indicate if the log of the data should be use for the fit or not 
    statistic_gauss : array-like.
        array containing the result of the linear algebra operation:
        (x - µx)'∑(x - µx) 
    # Determine that the covariance matrix is not singular
    det = np.linalg.det(cov)
    if det == 0:
        raise NameError("The covariance matrix can't be singular")
    # Compute the vector x defined as [[x - mu_x], [y - mu_y]]
    if log: 
        x_vect = np.log10(np.array(df[[x_val, y_val]]))
        x_vect = np.array(df[[x_val, y_val]])
    x_vect[:, 0] = x_vect[:, 0] - mu[0]
    x_vect[:, 1] = x_vect[:, 1] - mu[1]
    # compute the inverse of the covariance matrix
    inv_sigma = np.linalg.inv(cov)
    # compute the operation
    interval_array = np.zeros(len(df))
    for i, x in enumerate(x_vect):
        interval_array[i] = np.dot(np.dot(x, inv_sigma), x.T)
    return interval_array

Now that we defined the functions let's fit a 2D gaussian to our $\log$ scattering data and then compute the interval statistic.

In [8]:
# Fit the bivariate Gaussian distribution
mu, cov = fit_2D_gaussian(df_example, log=True)

# Compute the statistic for each of the pair of log scattering data
interval_array = gauss_interval(df_example, mu, cov, log=True)
/Users/razo/anaconda/lib/python3.5/site-packages/ipykernel/__main__.py:26: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in log10
/Users/razo/anaconda/lib/python3.5/site-packages/ipykernel/__main__.py:27: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in log10
/Users/razo/anaconda/lib/python3.5/site-packages/ipykernel/__main__.py:33: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in log10

Having the statistic allows us to compare it to the $\chi^2$ quantile function. Just as in the 68-95-99.7% rule for 1D Gaussians let us choose an arbitrary threshold to keep 40% of the data density.

To compute the $\chi^2$ quantile funciton we will use the scipy.stats.chi2.ppf function.

In [9]:
alpha = 0.40

# Find which data points fall inside the interval
idx = interval_array <= scipy.stats.chi2.ppf(alpha, 2)
Fraction of the data kept after the alpha = {0:0.2f} threshold:
'''.format(alpha, np.sum(idx) / len(interval_array)))
Fraction of the data kept after the alpha = 0.40 threshold:

/Users/razo/anaconda/lib/python3.5/site-packages/ipykernel/__main__.py:4: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in less_equal

Let's apply the threshold to our data and plot it again using datashader.

In [10]:
# Apply the threshold to the data
df_thresh_gauss = df_example[idx]

$\log$ scattering

In [11]:
p, pipeline = ds_plot(df_thresh_gauss, 'FSC-A', 'SSC-A', log=True)
InteractiveImage(p, pipeline)

This looks pretty good! Let's now plot this thresholded data on a linear scale.

In [46]:
p, pipeline = ds_plot(df_thresh_gauss, 'FSC-A', 'SSC-A', log=False)
InteractiveImage(p, pipeline)

It looks much better than the arbitrary thresholds set by eye!

After processing the data using a value of $\alpha = 0.4$ let's look at the results from this experiment.

We will read a pre-processed pandas DataFrame that contains all the fold changes for these strains.

In [54]:
# define variables to use over the script
date = 20160725
username = 'mrazomej'

# read the CSV file with the mean fold change
df_preprocess = pd.read_csv('../../data/' + str(date) +\
                            '_lacI_titration_MACSQuant.csv', comment='#')

rbs = df_preprocess.rbs.unique()
replica = df_preprocess.replica.unique()

# compute the theoretical repression level
repressor_array = np.logspace(0, 3, 100)
epsilon_array = np.array([-15.3, -13.9, -9.7, -17])
operators = np.array(['O1', 'O2', 'O3', 'Oid'])

colors = sns.hls_palette(len(operators), l=.3, s=.8)
# plot theoretical curve
# First for the A channel
for i, o in enumerate(operators):
    fold_change_theor = 1 / (1 + 2 * repressor_array / 5E6 \
            * np.exp(-epsilon_array[i]))
    plt.plot(repressor_array, fold_change_theor, label=o,
    plt.scatter(df_preprocess[(df_preprocess.operator == o) & \
                              (df_preprocess.rbs != 'auto') & \
            (df_preprocess.rbs != 'delta')].repressors, 
            df_preprocess[(df_preprocess.operator == o) & \
                          (df_preprocess.rbs != 'auto') & \
            (df_preprocess.rbs != 'delta')].fold_change_A,
            marker='o', linewidth=0, color=colors[i], 
            label=o + ' flow cytometer',
plt.xlabel('repressor copy number')
plt.xlim([1, 1E3])
plt.legend(loc=0, ncol=2, fontsize=10)

It looks quite decent and it didn't involve manually choosing gates for the scattering data. The only parameter we set was the fraction $\alpha$ that we wanted to keep of the data.

Let's finally define a function that returns a thresholded DataFrame.

In [52]:
def auto_gauss_gate(df, alpha, x_val='FSC-A', y_val='SSC-A', log=False):
    Function that applies an "unsupervised bivariate Gaussian gate" to the data
    over the channels x_val and y_val.
    df : DataFrame.
        dataframe containing the data from which to fit the distribution
    alpha : float. [0, 1]
        fraction of data aimed to keep. Used to compute the chi^2 quantile function
    x_val, y_val : str.
        name of the dataframe columns to be used in the function
    log : bool.
        indicate if the log of the data should be use for the fit or not 
    data = df[[x_val, y_val]]
    # Fit the bivariate Gaussian distribution
    mu, cov = fit_2D_gaussian(data, log=log)

    # Compute the statistic for each of the pair of log scattering data
    interval_array = gauss_interval(data, mu, cov, log=log)
    # Find which data points fall inside the interval
    idx = interval_array <= scipy.stats.chi2.ppf(alpha, 2)
    return df[idx]